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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

MR International Journal of Engineering and Technology (MRIJET) publishes peer-reviewed original and comprehensive articles on all aspects of sciences and technology applications. It is freely available to all readers via the Internet, and all published articles in Journal are available online and free of charge to all readers.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and originality of their articles, and all articles are understood to have received clearance(s) for publication. Authors found submitting manuscripts simultaneously to other journals will be suspended for one year from further submission. Authors found submitting plagiarized manuscripts will be banned for three years from further submission.

  1. All manuscripts should be submitted to Journal via On-Line Submission and all submitted manuscripts strictly drafted in the given (*.docx) by following the instructions.
  • Manuscripts must be in English.
  • The first page should contain the title of the paper, name(s), and affiliation(s) of the authors.
  • Full names with affiliations of each author and keywords should be provided in the paper file. The name and email of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated.
  • The abstract should consist of one paragraph not containing numbered references. All nonstandard symbols and abbreviations must be defined.
  • Headings and subheadings of the paper (e.g., abstract, introduction, formulation, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion) sections should be clearly indicated.
  • Tables and figures should have captions. Figures must be compatible with grayscale use.
  • Symbols, line thickness, and lettering should be in proper scale in relation to the overall figure size so that reduction will not reduce clarity. Times or Helvetica font is suggested to be used in figures.
  • Equations, tables, and figures, should be numbered consecutively. In the body of the paper, all references, figures, and tables must be cited with a numeral according to the order in which it is discussed in the paper.
  • References must contain full title, place, and year of publication, and be listed at the end of the article in the reference section. Technical reports, memos, and unpublished or to-be-published articles must not be listed as references, only published work in journals/conferences and books/book chapters may be cited as references.
  • English Grammar: To save the time of our reviewers, authors are encouraged to use grammar check software or find the help of a native speaker to proofread the manuscript before submission.
  • Original Contribution: The originality of the scientific/technical/engineering contribution should be clearly stated in the manuscript.

To expedite the process, the following files are required for all submissions:

  • Source file in *.pdf (recommended) or *.doc format.
  • A PDF file of the manuscript including all text, equations, and figures.
    *English font only. Figures must be compatible with grayscale use.
    *This PDF version should be carefully prepared as it will be directly sent to the reviewers.
  1. Review Process and Proof Read Typeset Version

All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by independent referees. The Editorial Board prescreens all manuscripts to decide whether a manuscript will be peer-reviewed or declined outright without going through the review process. This is to preserve the resources of available reviewers. Manuscripts declined upfront can be due to poorly written English, contents being out of the scope of the journal, deficiencies in manuscript format, similarity to previous publications, previous decline or withdrawal, banned author due to asserted plagiarism, or that its subject matter is not of interest to the Journal, which only publishes well-presented original contributions in Science/Technology.

To expedite the journal process, some manuscripts will be rejected after the review process. Some manuscripts will need revision. Some manuscripts will be typeset before acceptance. You may be required to proofread it once the typeset version is available. If there is no revision needed for the typeset version, please take no action and do not submit a file without any revision mark.

Only review comments with constructive suggestions will be made public to the authors. If some comments appear online, please do not send revisions via email. Kindly wait for Journal email notifications. The revision checklist will be available online when you are required to revise your manuscript.

Usually, the review process of the Journal takes 3-6 weeks. Some special cases may need more time.

  1. Revision Process

When enough review inputs are received, you may be required to improve your manuscript according to the review comments. A final decision of acceptance or rejection will be made after receiving and evaluating your revised version together with additional new review inputs.

To expedite the process, the following files are required in this revision stage:

  • The point-by-point answers to the reviewer's comments are in a separate file.
  • A revised version with clearly marked revisions should be submitted in the stipulated time. Please mark revisions in a different color or indicate the page and line numbers where the revisions should be made. Revision marks will expedite the checking process by the editors or reviewers.
  • If your paper has not been typeset, the whole revised article (PDF or DOC files) is recommended to expedite the typeset process.

Revisions are strongly advised to be submitted online. An acknowledgment email will be sent to the corresponding author immediately once the online revision checklist is successfully submitted. Email revision submission is NOT encouraged due to the unpredictability of emails. It will also delay the revision process.

  1. Journal Final Proofread

After the revision process, the Editorial Board will recommend to the journal to publish your paper, based on considerations of relevance, review inputs, a time constraint for publication, etc.. If you do not like to publish your paper, you may choose to withdraw your manuscript. Any major revision in this Final Proofread stage will not be acceptable.

You are required to download the PDF file to proofread, check to see if there are additional review reports, and fill in the checklist within the stipulated time. The manuscript will not be scheduled until it is approved by the author.

Once it is scheduled, no changes can be made to the paper. If we do not receive a timely response, the paper may be withdrawn from the Journal.

  1. Schedule Notice

The approved paper will be queued in the publication schedule. Once it is scheduled for publication, you will be informed as early as possible via email. Once a paper is approved and scheduled, it cannot be withdrawn.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.