Generation of Electricity with the Use of Speed Breakers

Issue: Vol.8 No.1


Kanishk Karan (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)

Shivankar Adsul (Technoplanet Labs)

Keywords: Electricity, Speed breaker, Power source, Conventional, Non-conventional.


In this study an attempt is made to generate electricity using speed breaker. Electricity is generated by replacing the traditional speed breakers with a conveyor roller mechanism. As vehicles pass over the speed breaker, they spin the rollers which are connected to a DC generator which in turn generate electricity. This method is an effective way to produce electricity as the numbers of vehicles on the road are ever increasing. Also, the cost of fabrication of the model is low. It can be effectively placed near traffic lights, at the entrance of parking lots and any other place where the traffic density is high. Rollers are fixed on a mild steel ramp on which vehicle passes. As the vehicle passes over the breaker, rollers start rotating. A chain drive mechanism is provided which transfer the motion from the rollers to a DC generator for generation of electricity. This method provides an efficient way to generate electricity from the kinetic energy of moving vehicles on roads, highways, parking lots etc..


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