Bi-orthogonal Wavelet Based Comer Template Encoding Methodology

Issue: Vol.8 No.1


Sherin Zafar (Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi)

Deepa Mehta (Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad)

Keywords: Template Encoding, Bi-orthogonal Wavelets, Lifting Scheme.


For performing feature extraction of iris, one of the strong biometric feature, encoding is the most important operation. Template formation or encoding in the proposed methodology is performed through convolving the normalized iris pattern with bi-orthogonal wavelets 3.5. The 2D normalized  pattern is broken up into 1D-signals. The angular direction is taken rather than the radial which corresponds to columns of the normalized pattern, as the maximum independence occurs in the angular direction. Transformation of the segmented iris information into a normalized iris data is done using the biorthogonal tap. In the proposed method rather than utilizing the traditional Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) scheme, a novel lifting technique is explored for the construction of bi-orthogonal filters. The main advantage of this scheme over the classical construction methods is that it does not rely on the Fourier transform and results in faster implementation of wavelet transform.


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