Modelling Supplier Evaluation for an Automobile Company Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

Issue: Vol.1 No.2


Mohd. Ismaeel (Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi)

Ashish Aggarwal (Reader, IGNOU, New Delhi)

Abid Haleem (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)

Keywords: Encryption, decryption, Cipher text, Pseudorandom- Noise (P-N), VHDL, CDMA.


Importance of efficient supplier evaluation has been discussed to gain competitive advantage in global scenario focusing upon the Indian two-wheeler industry. The key factors affecting the sales of motor cycle have been described Different supplier evaluation and selection models have been investigated and important variables affecting supplier performance have been identified Analytical Hierarchy Process methodology has been adapted to prepare proposed model to priorities suppliers on the basis of multi criteria decision variables. Its simplicity and flexibility to use have been identified as major advantages of the proposed supplier evaluation model over other exists models.