Mobile Ad-HOcMEsh Network (MAHOMEN) in Remote Areas: An Innovative Case Study

Issue: Vol.8 No.2


Chhavnish Mittal (Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad)

Roopam Sharma (Manav Rachna University, Faridabad)

Divyanshu Varshney (Manav Rachna University, Faridabad)

Keywords: Ad-Hoc Mesh Net, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Remote Area, Hotspot


The paper highlights the application of Hotspot [4] concept using Dijkstra’s Algorithm in remote areas where traditional mobile infrastructure doesn’t exist. We propose a Hotspot [5] based Ad-hoc Mesh Network called MAHOMEN to establish connectivity using a smartphone with Hotspot facility. The MAHOMEN provides a unique, innovative and self-organized infrastructure to communicate within a community residing in the remote areas. Our technology applies the Dijkstra’s algorithm (which selects the shortest path in the mesh) in the MAHOMEN for two or more devices to communicate without traditional & conventional cellular network.


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[4] Blinn, D.P., Henderson, T. and Kotz, D., 2005, June. Analysis of a Wi-Fi hotspot network. In Papers  presented at the 2005 workshop on Wireless traffic measurements and modeling (pp. 1-6). USENIX Association.

[5] Jobin, J., Faloutsos, M., Tripathi, S.K. and Krishnamurthy,  S.V., 2004, March. Understanding the effects of hotspots in wireless cellular networks. In INFOCOM 2004. Twentythird AnnualJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Vol. 1). IEEE.

[6] Tox (protocol) (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at: https:// (Accessed: 10 August 2016).

[7] Internet control message protocol (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at:
Internet_Control_Message_Protocol (Accessed: 1 July 2016).