Wearable Technology: Overview and It’s Market Assessment

Issue: Vol.8 No.2


Bharti Bis (Edge Coordinator, Tata Class Edge, Gurgaon)

Keywords: Wearable computers, Emergence of technology, Strengths and opportunities,  Weaknesses and challenges, Market assessment, Future of technology


In the ancient times, human beings used to do all tasks and functions manually which was tiresome. The  invent of basic calculator and computers made the work load on the person lesser and they started becoming dependent on machines. These machines use to occupy large spaces which led to the invent of much smaller size chips known as Integrated Circuits. At present, laptops and Smartphone’s have replaced the desktop computers making our work more easy and comfortable. These devices are much portable to carry anywhere giving us more advantage. The technological advances achieved in the past few decades have totally changed the life of the people and even brought the revolution in the business world. The rapid advancement in modern devices has led to an outgrowth of new methods for people to communicate with each other in a convenient way. One such technology which has emerged as a great wave of innovation is Wearable technology. Wearable technology or wearable gadget is a term that refers to computer-powered devices that are worn by the user on body. Wearable technology has opened the way to the innovation and ideas to flow throughout all the fields. Spy cameras, spy voice and video recording devices, watch with computer, and spectacles with computing capabilities are some of the examples of wearable technology which have totally changed the era of digital world. This article presents wearable computers with its history, present and even the future. This article has described the categories of wearable technology, effectiveness of it and its impact on market. The article even describes some of the strengths and opportunities for wearable technology with the weaknesses and challenges faced by the enterprises and the organizations.


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