Text Summarization Using Semantic Analysis of Frequent Terms

Issue: Vol.7 No.1


Jyoti Rohilla (Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad)

Usha Yadav (School of Information Technology, CDAC, Noida)

Keywords: abstractive summary, extractive summary, Generic summary, Indicative and descriptive Summary, Text Summarization, semantic similarity.


Due to growing amount of data and comparatively less amount of information on web, it becomes necessary to introduce a mechanism that can easily search out relevant information from that bulk of data. This direction approaches to the concept of text summarization where the whole document is condensed to a smaller version retaining its original meaning. There are several methods of extractive and abstractive summarization but this paper will focus on the specialized extractive summarization named frequent term summarization by considering the semantic similarity of its words. The primary purpose of using the combination of these two techniques is to remove the limitations of these two extractive summarization processes and to use their best feature to serve the purpose.


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