Service Evolution: A Literature Survey

Issue: Vol.8 No.1


Rachna Kohar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Keywords: Service, Business process, Service evolution, Change.


In service oriented enterprises, functionalities are provided as self-describing and platform independent services. A service combined with another service, to deliver a larger functionality, is termed as business process. Services undergo changes to adapt themselves to the growing market trends and technologies. This paper presents a literature survey of the existing research being carried out with respect to service evolution in service oriented applications. We classify this research work in five areas: Change patterns in services, Change proneness in services, Change in SOA artifacts, Change in data in SOA and Service Composition Languages extensibilities. We present a comprehensive study comprising of the change problems addressed, the corresponding approaches used to handle them and the future work which
could be carried out in each category. This paper is an effort to survey those research areas which are narrowly explored. Hence, this study provides the areas for future work for those who have interest in service evolution.


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