Fuzzy Burst Round Robin Scheduling

Issue: Vol.1 No.2


D.Pandy (C.C.S University Meerut)

Vandana (BIT, Meerut)

Keywords: Electrodeposition, Absorption coefficient, Band gap, Interface, Resistivity.


This paper designs and develops a variant of round robin policy which assigns weight to a process in dynamic environment on the basis of its remaining CPU burst after every round. The determination of weights is based on fuzzy considerations. Quantum size for every round of the process is determined dynamically in accordance with the assigned weight. The philosophy of our approach is; smaller the remaining CPU burst of a process, larger is the size of quantum assigned to it. This facilitates processes with shorter remaining time to leave the ready queue earlier, thus it increases the throughput and decreases the average waiting time. Proposed method is thus enabled to draw advantages of round robin policy as well as SJF with little more cost to be paid in terms of context switching. Even this cost can be reduced through a threshold value decided as minimum quantum size.