Evolution of Contact Models for Different Types of Contacts

Issue: Vol.6 No.1


Anil Kumar Narwal (Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal)

K.D. Gupta (Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal)

Keywords:Contact Radius, Contact Interface,Finite Element Method, Modeling, Simulation.


Contact between two bodies may be considered as a point contact or a soft contact. In case of soft contact, both contact forces and moments exist over the contact area. In any contact model, deformation, contact area and distribution of contact forces over the contact area between the two surfaces are considered. After the development of Hertzian contact theory, a number of efforts have been made by many researcher to model contact mechanics of different types of contact. A fast and robust algorithm is required for contact detection between the two surfaces. A number of approaches to model friction and normal contact at the contact interface have been followed. This paper presents modeling approaches for different types of contact with their limitations, and it is concluded with the research gap and proposed contact models at the end.


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